
rustup is the official toolchain installer and manager for the Rust programming language. It provides a convenient way to install, update, and manage multiple Rust toolchains on your system. This report will cover the installation process for various platforms, basic usage of rustup, and provide an example of managing multiple Rust environments.


macOS and Linux

To install rustup on macOS and Linux systems, open your terminal and enter the following command:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

The script will download and install the necessary components. Once completed, restart your terminal or run the following command to update your shell’s environment variables:

source $HOME/.cargo/env


For Windows users, download and run the rustup-init.exe executable from the official Rust website. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. After the installation is complete, restart your command prompt or terminal.


Installing a specific Rust version

To install a specific version of Rust, use the following command:

rustup install <version>

Replace <version> with the desired Rust version, e.g., 1.52.0.

Setting the default Rust version

To set the default Rust version for new projects, use the following command:

rustup default <version>

Replace <version> with the desired Rust version, e.g., 1.52.0.

Switching between Rust versions

To switch between different Rust versions for a specific project, navigate to the project directory and use the following command:

rustup override set <version>

Replace <version> with the desired Rust version, e.g., 1.52.0.

Updating Rust

To update all installed Rust toolchains to their latest versions, run the following command:

rustup update

Uninstalling Rust

To uninstall Rust and rustup from your system, run the following command:

rustup self uninstall


Suppose you are working on two Rust projects: project_old and project_new. project_old requires Rust version 1.52.0, while project_new requires the latest stable version.

First, install the required Rust versions:

rustup install 1.52.0
rustup install stable

Next, navigate to the project_old directory and set the Rust version for the project:

cd project_old
rustup override set 1.52.0

Now, navigate to the project_new directory and set the Rust version for the project:

cd project_new
rustup override set stable

With these configurations, each project will use the appropriate Rust version when you build or run them.

For example, when you run cargo build or cargo run in the project_old directory, Rust 1.52.0 will be used:

cd project_old
cargo build

Similarly, when you run cargo build or cargo run in the project_new directory, the latest stable Rust version will be used:

cd project_new
cargo build

With rustup, you can seamlessly work on multiple projects with different Rust version requirements without any conflicts or manual intervention.


rustup is an essential tool for Rust developers, as it simplifies the process of managing multiple Rust environments on a single system. This report covered the installation process for various platforms, basic usage, and provided an example of managing different Rust versions for multiple projects. By using rustup, developers can ensure that their projects are always built and run using the correct Rust version, improving productivity and reducing the likelihood of version-related issues.